Color Converter – RGB, Hex, CMYK, HSL, HSV, HWB
Use this advanced color converter tool to interchange between various color models. Currently it is supporting RGB, CMYK, Hex, HSL, HSV, HWB color models.
What are RGB Colors?
RGB stand for Red, Green and Blue colors. Total 16,777,216 different colors can be created with combination of these 3 colors. These three Red, Green and Blue colors can have value between 0 to 255 means. It means three combination of 256 numbers can be used to create unique color.
You can convert RGB Color code to following color codes using this Color Converter of Doozy Tools.
- RGB to Hex Color
- RGB to HSL Color
- RGB to CMYK Color
- RGB to HWB Color
- RGB to HSV Color
What are CMYK Colors?
CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black which is combination of these 4 colors and also known as subtractive color model. Computer screens generally use RGB color model and printers use CMYK color model. Percentage of these four colors is used to derive an unique color. Total number of CMYK colors can be defined as value of 4 colors are in percentage so it is relative darkness or lightness of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. Value can be 0% to 100% and it can also be 1.1%, 1.01%, 1.001% hence everything depends on capability of printing device.
Why CMYK known as subtractive color model? When we mix two colors from RGB, it create a CMYK color.
- Green and Blue from RGB creates Cyan.
- Red and Blue from RGB creates Magenta.
- Red and Green from RGB creates Yellow.
- Theory says, adding Cyan, Magenta and Yellow equally creates Black but in reality it is Dark-Brown
Note: RGB Color Model is known as additive color model.

You can convert CMYK Color code to following color codes using this Color Converter of Doozy Tools.
- CMYK to RGB Color
- CMYK to Hex Color
- CMYK to HSL Color
- CMYK to HWB Color
- CMYK to HSV Color
What are Hex Colors?
Hex color code is made from 3 basic colors Red, Green and Blue with 6 characters hexadecimal code with prefix of hash (#) sign. Hexadecimal number with 6 characters is divided in to 3 parts with each part having 2 characters hexadecimal code. Hex color code has prefix of hash (#) character before 6 characters so total it is 7 characters.
Two character Hex code represents a Hexadecimal code which is converted from an Integer number between 0 to 255. So same as RGB, total 16,777,216 different colors can be created with combination of these 3 colors.
You can convert Hex Color code to following color codes using this Color Converter of Doozy Tools.
- Hex to RGB Color
- Hex to HSL Color
- Hex to CMYK Color
- Hex to HWB Color
- Hex to HSV Color
What are HSL Colors?
HSL full form is Hue, Saturation, Lightness. HSL color model is designed 1970 to more closely align the way human vision see colors. It is alternative representation of RGB model which human can understand better. RGB and Hex are more machine readable than human readable color model.
Hue (H) is a degree from 0° to 360° in a color wheel where 0° is red, 120° is green, and 240° is blue as show in below picture.
Saturation (S) is the intensity of a color between 0% to 100% where 0% is gray shade, and 100% is represents full pure color.
Lightness (L) is the percentage of light given to color between 0% to 100% where 0% is black with no light and 100% is white with full light.
So, maximum total 34,92,720 (3.49 millions number of HSL colors) color combinations can be created using HSL Color Model. It is derived by 360 x 99 x 98 after removing some non useful combinations.

You can convert HSL Color code to following color codes using this Color Converter of Doozy Tools.
- HSL to RGB Color
- HSL to Hex Color
- HSL to CMYK Color
- HSL to HWB Color
- HSL to HSV Color
What are HSV Colors?
HSV full form is Hue, Saturation, Value. HSV is also mathematically cylindrical like HSL, but while HSV (hue, saturation, value) concept wise an inverted cone of colors. HSV has a black point at the bottom, and fully-saturated colors around a circle at the top. HSV color model is used in histogram equalization and grayscale images conversion to RGB colour images.
Color range in HSV Model between 0° to 360° for Hue
- Red colour range between 0° and 60 degrees
- Yellow colour range between 61° and 120° degrees
- Green colour range between 121° and 180° degrees
- Cyan colour range between 181° and 240° degrees
- Blue colour range between 241° and 300° degrees
- Magenta colour range between 301° and 360° degrees
Convert HSV Color code to various color codes using this Color Converter of Doozy Tools.
- HSV to RGB Color
- HSV to Hex Color
- HSV to CMYK Color
- HSV to HWB Color
- HSV to HSL Color
What are HWB Colors?
HWB stands for Hue, Whiteness and Blackness. Hue in HWB color model can be anywhere between 0° to 360° degree same as HSL Color model. Whiteness and Blackness represent percentage of white and black color between 0% to 100% which can be added in Hue to produce an unique color. Here, 100% in each parameter is totally white or totally black colors. HWB represents cylindrical-coordinate points in an RGB color model, similar to HSL and HSV color model. HWB is designed by keeping in my human need and to solve some problems in HSV color model as HWB provides saturation for whiteness which is not available in HSL and HSV models.
HWB (Hue, Whiteness, Blackness) color model is a suggested standard for CSS4 and beyond.
You can convert CMYK Color code to following color codes using this Color Converter of Doozy Tools.
- HWB to RGB Color
- HWB to Hex Color
- HWB to HSL Color
- HWB to CMYK Color
- HWB to HSV Color